Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Catching up on the Summer: June

June started off with a trip to El Paso for VBS with the Drake cousins. Andrew and Laura both loved it and are still singing/signing the music. Thanks so much to Aunt Nico for volunteering at VBS and carting all of the kids back and forth!

After VBS was done, we headed on an Illinois tour, visiting with Andrew's Godmother Sister Theresa-Elizabeth in Effingham, the Moore family in Champaign, and the Schoen family near DeKalb. It was fun to reconnect with college friends. We hope to do it more often! :)
Sister reading to the kids:
At the Schoen's house:
We finished up June with a visit from the Yeagers, good friends of ours from Chatham. Andrew and Laura were so excited that Noah and Makenna got to stay overnight. The kids played at our house, and then we went downtown to the farmer's market.
One of our most exciting events of the summer was not captured on film (ok, memory card). Andrew got a concussion after the Yeagers left, and lost his short term memory for the day. Fortunately, he was fine the next morning, and we all had a reminder of what a blessing our health is.

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