Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The kids had their first experience with Vacation Bible School this week, and they've both had a lot of fun. Andrew was very upset today when he found out that he didn't get to go back next week! Today's theme was the parable of the kingdom of heaven being like hidden treasure, so the kids had a lot of fun making treasure boxes,

hunting for treasure,

sorting jewels,

and breaking rocks to find the treasure inside.
Any day that involves shattering things with hammers AND glitter glue ranks high for Andrew and Laura.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Hey Guys! It is so weird how you find people on line! I found you through following a link from a friend's page to your brother Carl's page and then realizing that it was your brother and finding your link on his blog! How fun to be able to see pictures of your kids and "see" what's going on between Christmas letters!

Just wanted to say Hi!

-Rebekah Kaufmann (Matt's wife)